Jumat, 22 Oktober 2010

Namanya RSSD

His name is Rastha Satya Dewabrana. People often called him Rastha. I know him months ago, when my close friend, Siti told me that there was a boy that would me to be his close friend. And I said ‘yes of course I wanted to be his friend’, and now, I still communicate with him, Rastha.

I don’t know why or how it happens, slowly but certainly. First thing I know about him is that He is a cool boy, there were not too much word, phrase, or sentences that come out from his mouth. But, he is good enough I think.

Emm, well, I’m glad to know him. He is a good boy, I think. But maybe we need more time to understand each other, to get more senses about our truth feeling.

But, it is different NOW, I recognize that I’m not assume him as my friend anymore, but more than just a friend I mean.

Difficult for me to say it, but, this is the real, this is the feeling, the condition that I must hold tight.

As I know that he had close relationship with a girl for about 3 years. How amaze it was, but the truth, all of that was done. Sometimes, I get a pessimist to stand beside him, that you know what, I never ever had a close relation with my ex.boyfriend more than six month, and three years were long enough I mean.

Well, i never know about his feeling, as I talked before that he is a taciturn boy, he never told about his feeling. Now, all I know just, I feel comfort beside him, enjoyable, calm, peaceful, happy, sad, jelous, and many more.

Maybe I love him, but it stand maybe. I don’t know what will happens tomorrow, next month, or maybe next year.

Rastha, I’ll waiting for your request to be your girl, but if that day never comes along, I guest we can be an everlasting friend, a blue tonic friend, I promise.

For sayang with love,


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ayoo comment :p
makasi :D